Questions and Answers
Here is a page where you will find questions and their answers. This page is for general questions, but I also answer questions through a Tumblr Blog, as well as post when updates are up so you can follow it and be the first to know when new chapters are ready. I do not answer questions that are hateful, gross, etc. so please be kind when asking questions or leaving comments.
Do I have to consume a lot of Yokai Watch media in order to read and understand this?
I'd say no, you only really need to know the basic gist of things or even go in knowing nothing at all. The canon of this story and what's told is more akin to something like Deltarune or the Utena films, as they take place in their own canon even if we may see a few faces we know. However, there may be a few nods that veteran fans may apperciate more.
Will -insert Yokai/character/etc- appear?
Can't make any promises on this one, I'm sorry.
When do updates come out?
Whenever I have chapters ready which can be literally at any moment. Updates may be a bit slower than the usual 1 chapter at a time fan fic since I have to write two chapters (one for each route) for each update. I update the scrolling text on the home page as well as on the homepage itself when new chapter updates get released.
Does this use the original Japanese names or the ones from the American English dub?
I use the Japanese names for characters and locations, since it makes the most sense for a series so heavily rooted in Japanese culture. However, one of the things I plan on adding to the VN version is a language option for the dub names (any new characters introduced will have dub names as well!) alongside other features
What features are going to be in the VN version? And when will it be ready?
Everything having visuals and music, the dub name language feature, and even a few bonus scenarios that can only really work in a visual medium. VN version development will begin once I have gotten a good amount of material written for the Neocities version (around 10 chapters total, 5 for each route). Releases of the VN version will be done in halves, but the neocities version provides plenty of visuals as well.