Daughter of Orochi, the powerful wandering serpent!

Birthday: April 22nd

15, like I care all that much. Just another year.
What's your grestest strength?
I don't really BS around when people ask me for how I feel. Don't really take anyone's crap either.
And your weakness?
In some ways I can be a bit mean when I'm honest, and kinda explode if someone manages to light my fuse.
What do you enjoy in life?
Video games, the occult, gemology...uhh...maybe some other stuff...Ballet...cutesy things like shows about puppies and kittens and gemstones
What are things you simply can't stand?
Cigarette smoke is the worst, the only thing worse is people being a real damn pain if you like anything they deem too weird.
And your biggest dream in life is...
Psh, like I have nothing to go for...Okay FINE if you want to know...I want to become a famous ballerina...hey it takes a lot of strength to become one! Don't go thinking I'm some sort of weakling!

So you've made it here. Name's Kokoha, I like to keep my past behind me and a baffling mystery to those I come across. There isn't much to look forward to, aside from being old enough to start applying for a motorcycle permit in the spring (finally, about damn time). I guess one thing I live and die by is the code of honor I've set up, based around the motto of "Dreams are the most precious magic of them all!". It's something I made up all on my own, totally not from anything frilly.